
For McLuhan, technological change offers a revolution of the senses. Concrete poetry of the 60’s to 80’s exemplified an exploration in the ink, the sound and the visual – essentially McLuhan’s Medium as the Message. But as even McLuhan stated on this front, “By stressing that the medium is the message rather than the content, I’m not suggesting that the content plays no role – merely that it plays a distinctly subordinate role.” (McLuhan and Zingrone 1995, 247) The sensory overload that McLuhan would have witnessed at the explosion of the Internet doesn’t seem to provide the kinship,  the complete balance and outering that McLuhan had speculated about; it instead harbors a more self-conscious anxiety that McLuhan may say is a good thing. Nevertheless, for a time during the peak of the concrete poets, a recognition of a desire for balanced sensory experience and perception – a self-aware return to the tribal ear culture - was executed alongside McLuhan’s work.